Get Organized: 5 Ways to Get Your Business in Shape

Small businesses can become overwhelming - FAST. Overwhelm can bump you into procrastination nation and the next thing you know, it's tax season and you’re having a mental breakdown. Take some deep breaths and let's do this. The best version of your business awaits.

1. Purge Your Office

Simplicity allows your mind, body and soul to flow, so tailor your space to do just that. Toss any extra clutter like old paperwork, worn-out furniture and dated decor to make way for a fresh perspective. Label all your files, and then organize them alphabetically with a color code to quickly identify different types of files. And never, ever put the word "Misc" on any file -- once you file it, you'll forget what you put in it. If you can say out loud what the file is, you have your label. If it's truly "miscellaneous" you probably don't need it anymore.

2. Plan, Personally

Planning is essential in reaching your goals and potential, personally and professionally. Map out your success using techniques that work for you and your productivity style. Make To Do Lists, spend some time showing some TLC to your calendar and visualize what a perfect day, week or month should look like in your home and business. Figure out what system works best for you and your business.

3. Use the Cloud for Storage

Backing up files, documents and just plain old vital information to the cloud not only frees up space on your hardware, but it keeps all your goodies safe until you need to reference them again. It also keeps them from sitting on a shelf collecting dust or on your desktop taking up valuable real estate.

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4. Tame Your Inbox

Does your email notification show a ridiculous number due to everyone trying to send you a new printable guide, sales announcement or hot deal to Cabo? Revitalize your inbox to display only the mail you need. Apps like Un.Roll and SaneBox can make the cleaning process straight-forward and manageable. A full inbox can also take up vital space on the devices you'll definitely need down the line.  

5. Digitize Your Books

Get to know our pals Quickbooks, Wave, and Square. They will each become as vital to your team as your receptionist and favorite smart phone app. Quickbooks is the fairy godmother to your bookkeeping needs and financial records. It breaks down your profit and loss statements, provides categorized expense sheets and even does receipt tracking. Wave is a digital haven for compiling information on the day-to-day running of your business and personal finances. You can even invoice clients directly and set up recurring billing. Square is your one-stop shop for processing sales in person or online; you can also send invoices to close the deal easily and effortlessly.



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